The Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Upon Awakening

The Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Upon Awakening

You just woke up, worked on your Morning Pages, and then began getting ready for a new day. What’s the first thing you should be drinking?

The answer is always the same: water with lemon.

Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning will flush out all the toxins from your system. Lemon is alkaline and it purifies your blood, thus keeping your body free from many health disorders.

This is a wonderful ritual for everyone. Even Jasper, my 13 months old son, drinks it a bit with me every morning. Lemons are full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that help support maternal health and baby’s development.

If you are pregnant, it can help you with morning sickness. If you are in your first forty days postpartum window, make sure to drink warm lemon water since warmth is the key to bringing balance back to your postpartum body. If you are nursing, lemon water is a wonderful way to start the day. It cleanses the blood from infections and purifies it.

We all need some lemon water to start the day, even our partners. Matter of fact, in my home I instructed my husband to make us all some lemon water to start the day. He does it very well!

Room temperature water with lemon is great for everyone, unless you are in the first forty days window, in that case, it’s preferable to drink warm water with lemon. How you start your day can set the tone of your whole day, don’t you forget that.


Edited by: Lily Zara

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